And so it begins! We arrived relatively comfortably and without mishap yesterday afternoon, struggling with wakefulness for a few hours before finally giving in. First impression of Quito was an odd familiarity, the effect of recognising the language and being somehow reminded of Manila – realise now that that must have been largely due to the traffic (even years of living in London haven’t prepared me for this amount of pollution…) Then the cold, noise, and groups of thieving children who were almost frighteningly stubborn somewhat eroded my comfort. (Don’t worry – we ducked into a restaurant and our possessions are intact.)

But today began with a good cup of Ecuadorian coffee and a huge breakfast, in the clearly popular backpacker haunt across the road from our hostel. We took a long walk to the Old Town, which was both more chaotic and more charming than the new half we’re staying in. Took some pictures of churches and sat people-watching in some plazas (sadly not much café culture here, but there were benches). I’m feeling gradually acclimatised. Looking forward to getting out of the city and breathing some fresh air, but for now still adjusting to the surreality of actually being here.

No amusing anecdotes yet, but I’ll keep you posted…


  1. “By autumn, when Jupiter throws luck into your House of Communication, a skill you’ve recently honed will put you in control of an unusual project”

    (Virgo horoscope, Marie Claire July 05)

    Xhooik, I’ve got 8 letters to say to you, and you know what they are…

    Btw, aren’t you guys at about 2,850 metres’ altitude? Geez ya must be knackered & cranky…? At least you could always blame it on the altitude.

    • TravellingLis Reply

      Adjusting to the altitude wasn’t that bad really… Rich seemed fine, though I was convinced I got short of breath much easier than usual. But it’s likely I’m just even less fit than I thought. I’m still gasping for life at the top of tiny inclines, and I don’t think I’m able to cry altitude anymore, after five days.

      • that’s bullcrap, li’l sis – it takes weeks to adjust to altitude, i’m not kidding. yes you’re not an olympic athlete, but i’m 99.9% certain that you’re probably about 80% shorter of breath than normal due to this altitude – a height that your body’s probably never had a chance to test before. as for rich, good thing he’s strong now; you’ll both be oscillating – one time you’ll be strong and he weak, & vice versa. nuff sermoning from me!!

  2. Pingback: Beaches, cities and a mugging in Uruguay - Rebellious Tourist

  3. Pingback: Two days in Rio de Janeiro – Brazil – Rebellious Tourist

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